Saturday, September 24, 2011


ACCA means Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. It is a UK based CA degree which is recognized almost everywhere around the world. This degree helps learners acquire deeper knowledge of accounting, Taxation and Business laws.

ACCA has got a worldwide demand. Various well-reputed multinational companies recognized this degree. One can have a god job not only his own country but also in any country recognizing ACCA.Moreover a B.Sc in applied accounting certified is awarded by the Oxford Brookes University of the UK to the student completing the skill level of ACCA upon submitting of a thesis required by the University authority. So it is seen that one can even gain an academic degree without actually putting any extra effort, which will save his or her time and money.

in the world 173 countries approve this degree and it is accepted by most of the reputed national or multinational companies. So you can enroll yourself without any confusion

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